My third week at Recurse was a little more eclectic than the past two:
- I got halfway done with my plans to add subscription support to my toy document store - currently you can subscribe to individual documents, but subscriptions to collections of documents aren’t supported.
- For “Impossible Stuff Day” I started on a web toy that connects many users, all playing piano notes that propagate from their locations in near-real-time. True to the theme of Impossible Stuff I didn’t quite hit the mark: my visualization of lat/long didn’t come together, and the piano notes themselves sound very harsh. I’ll probably pick this project back up in week 5 and polish those aspects!
- At Creative Coding I made a tiny text game with Sam. It pulls a random page from Simple English Wikipedia and replaces one of the words with a randomly chosen impostor. The player must guess which word doesn’t belong. It’s surprisingly fun for something we slapped together in two hours.
- Diagnostics from my programming language’s LSP now show up in my editor (very excited about this one).
- The “practical language design” group met at a time that worked for me, and we talked about parser techniques.
- Got to chat with Shae about programming langauges, Haskell, Rust, substructural type systems, and a bunch of other stuff.
- Paired with Anna on her project to create a reference-counted pointer in Zig. Bonus points: Got to play with Zed’s collaboration tools for the first time.
- My blog now supports creating draft links which aren’t linked in its feeds, but can be shared privately. This will be very helpful for asking for feedback on draft posts.
This upcoming week I plan to participate in the RC game jam, write some blog posts about what I’ve learned thus far in my batch, and start learning the very basics of compiler optimizations. If inspiration strikes I’d like to write a program in Roc or futz with Bluetooth.